
Saturday, December 27, 2008

Post Christmas 2008

Well only 363 more days until Christmas, and I think we have finally opened just about everything that the kids got this year. There are still a few odds and ends that kind of got lost in the shuffle. Yesterday we had to go and spend our gift cards that we got for Christmas. I got an oil change (yeah), and the kids got some more toys, like they needed that. Sophie and I are almost out of room and will probably be taking up residence in the play cabin out back, oh wait I think it is full of outside toys. Perhaps we should have spent that gift card on like a tent or something. Anyway it was a very good Christmas, the best the kids have had so far and that is probably the best thing about it. They really enjoyed it and we were up by 7:30 which is a new record in the Helfen household. I think Peach could have slept another 2 hours or so as Christmas Eve finished pretty late. Church started at 8:00 PM then we went to Sophie's Mom's house for dinner. Then we opened gifts. So far I would say Sampson's favorite is his guess who Marvel game and his Star Wars figures, and Peach's favorite is her Barbie head that she can put make-up on. Kirk got a new game Resistance 2, so check back for a review, and some UFC videos of the first 4 UFCs. Sophie's favorite is her crockpot so she can cook us all good food, ummmmm. That may not really be her favorite. Well Merry Christmas, a little late, hope you had a good one.

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