
Wednesday, November 14, 2007

J.K. Rowlings' Announcement

Recently, ok it wasn't real recent but I've been busy, J.K. Rowlings, of Harry Potter fame, announced that once of the characters was not of the heterosexual persuasion. The only reason that I can figure for the announcement was that the books had already maxed out sales to the core followers of the story and this was just a was to maybe draw some h*m*sexual sales. That's it, nothing more nothing less. I don't think she is a closet g-y or anything, but from a literary perspective this revelation has absolutely no bearing on the story. Especially since it was Albus Dumbledore and for the entire series he had no intimate relationships with anyone, even in flashbacks. But Sophie said when he was recounting his relationship with Grindewald, she thought he might have been g-y. I didn't notice it at all, but now I don't know how to respond. I mean I am already pot committed sort of since I have read all the books, but does it change my outlook or how I convey the story to my children or do I not even tell them at all? I mean it gives a whole new meaning to him being headmaster at Hogwarts. Sorry couldn't resist that one. I really think the whole thing was motivated by money though, I mean she could have picked anyone out of the story to be h-m-sexual, what about Hagrid and his pink umbrella? or Snape, after all he was a self proclaimed "prince". It would be like the creator of the Sopranos saying that "yeah, Tony was shot in the last episode, by a h-m-sexual." It would make no sense and have no bearing on the story. I mean what does the actor do now, play Dumbledore g-y? They have already shot 5 films, it is a little late to change now. It just didn't make any sense to me and I didn't really care for the announcement in the manner in which it was done. Sorry H.P. fans, but I will never look at this series the same. Greedy J.K. just greedy.

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