
Sunday, December 09, 2007

Sophie learns a lesson

Saturday Sophie and I ventured to the store and experienced some of the perils mentioned in my check-out blog entry. Basically we got in the shortest line possible and by the time the person in front of us had the manager come over and take something off the register and then decided to write a check we could have gotten out faster if we had broke our order out into 2 separate orders and gone through the express lane. We had to laugh about it though. Oh well, later that day she went to Kroger, by herself, and spent 25 minutes in the checkout because the lady in front of her used a small sandwich bag full of coupons, but most of them didn't scan because they were photocopied or something. Then whatever didn't scan she wanted taken back. I told her to avoid the coupon ladies. Funny thing is Sophie had coupons herself and by the time the other lady was done returning 3 out of 5 uncle Ben's rice boxes and half of the rest of her order, Sophie forgot to use her coupons and had to go to the service desk. What was she gonna do with all that rice anyway, I guess we'll never know.

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