
Tuesday, February 10, 2009

W(omen) i(nfants) i(nvoluntary twitches) gaming system

Yeah the Wii. I think I am done playing the Wii, because if a 5 year old can randomly swing a controller and beat you in boxing, that is really not a gaming system. So I am only playing with other people who were at least a serious gamer at some point in their lifetime. No more 5 year-olds, no more women, no more people with odd nervous twitches. You see it looks like it is completely off of "intuitive" motion, but it turns out if you can make short wrist twitches that is all you need to do in any of the sports games. It doesn't matter how fast or hard you swing your arm, it only matter how fast you can move your wrist. No matter I am officially retired from the Wii.

Also I got Sophie to play the playstation 3. She lasted all of 2/3's of a level. Then she got sick and had to go to bed. So no Alien killing help, but if she could Wii box the aliens...

Check this guy out. Please note this is not me.

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