
Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentine's Day 2009

Another Hallmark holiday has come and gone, but it was pretty good. Sophie got me a ticket to go with Hans to a local MMA event (separate blog entry) and UFC tapes 5-8. I got her the new Taylor Swift CD, and a Travis "the terror" Clark shirt. Then on Saturday night we went to the "night at the races" for her old alma mater. We bought a horse, 'Emilia Rose', but we didn't win. We ended up betting on about 8 races and then Sophie turned her attention to the Texas Poker table, where we proceeded to spend the rest of the night, and spend the rest of our money. It is a good thing we don't gamble or bet horses cause we would be super poor. We didn't hit one race and the 10 bucks or so we won at poker ended up going right back in the pot. We still had a good time and next year Sophie said we could name our horse ''1 loss from the glue factory", from 'Bad Newz Stables'. Hope you had a good day, also I changed the music for a couple of days or so. Enjoy.

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