
Monday, June 09, 2008

Worm Inflation

Well even worm prices are getting ridiculous. Yesterday for the fishing derby we got 2 dozen worms at the bargain price of $2.09 . . . per dozen. That's right we spent about $4.48 (after tax, that's right there is tax on worms) for worms. Where will the madness end. People are worried about $4/gallon gas, but $2.09 for worms! This worm inflation may be the straw that breaks the camel's proverbial back. I mean come on congress, we need some legislation, now. Hurry right your congressmen today. Tell 'em we won't stand for these prices and they need to step in and subsidize the worm market for goodness sake. This could be the wedge issue that decides where the candidates take their final stand. It's clear and simple people, cheaper worms or high priced ones, who you gonna vote for. And don't fall for that fuel surcharge B.S. either, worms already run on bio fuel.

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