
Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Sophie Goes Green

Sophie is hitting the recycling pretty hard and I am really proud of her effort. Since she is taking Sampson to school she has been loading up the van every once and a while and dropping off the recycle at the local recycle shed. I am also trying to do some recycling at work. There are some easy things people can do to 'recycle' that you may not have thought of, because recycling isn't just gathering up stuff and dropping it off.
1) Reuse the water bottles. Fill 'em back up with water, lemonade or kool-aid and every time you refill it, that is just like it completing a full cycle in the recycle circle except you avoid all the energy costs.
2) Use the plastic grocery bags as a liner in small garbage cans. Saves a garbage bag.
3) Reuse glass containers for nuts and bolts, or other things maybe even buttons and stuff.
4) Use those old boxes to store your recycle cardboard in. That way your not using an extra garbage bag.

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