
Monday, October 15, 2007

You know your having a bad day when...

This post is inspired by my aunt Georgia and uncle Luke who recently made a trip back to Ohio from Colorado.

You know you are having a bad day when your plane starts making noise and you tell your wife to start looking for places to land. Then you land and find out that your plane needs parts, but you can't fly to get the parts, now you have to drive about oh 700 miles round trip. Then you get the parts back and realize that you left wallet back where you got the parts. You go pick up the wallet, but now the plane is making noise again. You land in Illinois to get the plane fixed and then decide to drive the rest of the way about 550 miles. That takes another day, but hey it was all worth it in the end right. Right? I mean you did get mentioned in my blog. That should be worth at least one click on the old ads. Anyway, sorry, hope the trip back is less eventful.

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