
Sunday, March 14, 2010

Changing Seasons

No not the weather - sports. I haven't been keeping up with the old blog too well lately *cough games*, but Sampson finished basketball at the end of January. He did very well, he even poured in 16 points one game, old dad has the video footage too. Last week we signed up for baseball. It should be pretty exciting this year as they keep scores and outs and what not. I think it is coaches pitch, which is essentially what they did during instructional league so that shouldn't be too bad. I'll have to get him out and work some of the rust off if it would ever not snow or rain. Well hopefully I'll do better keeping track of the new season. Oh also his team was undefeated in basketball, even though they didn't keep score for two full games, but that is mostly do to the fact they were blowing the other team out. I think he really enjoyed it. I can still take him though. At least in his room on the little rim he got for the back of his door at Christmas.

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