
Monday, October 29, 2018

2018 XC has reached the Finish Line

Well it was a really successful season.  Both teams ended up taking a ton of hardware to the house and in the end they both made it to Regionals!!! So Sampson had probably his best race at Districts this year and helped pull the team through.  Our senior that had finished first for the team all year, cramped up and finished 7th for the team and everyone thought we were toast and that he had run his last race and it was really sad because he had done so well all season and had probably his worst race of his career on his last race.  It was really similar to how Sampson ran last year, like so similar that their times were within 3 seconds of each other.  Anyway when I saw that he was hurting and fading back I started running around and telling Sampson that he was going to have to pick it up and it was up to him to help the team, well all the boys really if they were going to advance.  And wouldn't you know it, it was crazy the way they picked it up and finished top 4, with the top 6 moving on to regionals!! Sampson actually qualified on his own and the boy who would have been 6th for the team end up finishing like 45th overall and that was plenty to move on.  Our senior got to redeem himself at the regionals and took the top spot back for the team, but no one was able to advance to State :(.  On the bright side we did get experience at regionals, oh and the boys that did score in the district, well they are all sophomores and freshmen so the future looks pretty bright.  Oh and one other thing, Sampson got named to the All T-L team for the news paper.  Anyway here is a link to the end of the season video which was pretty sweet.  Coach's husband made it (Coach is a woman so its cool) and she never lets him hold the trophies and stuff, but like he totally should and it would have been awesome if he snuck a pic of himself with all the trophies at the end, but he didn't.  Just would have been cool.

Also here is my view of the Parade.  It was pretty cool and you can see it in the first video, but this is what it looked like when they passed me.

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