
Tuesday, September 27, 2016

The Big Debate

Well that was disappointing. I think every presidential debate you think the next president will just pop off the screen and then the debate ends up devolving into a series of personal attacks about how the other candidate is sooooo much worse that anyone with any sense would never vote for them.  I was kind of hoping that in the historic nature of the debate that the candidates would recognize that it was going to be one of the most watched debates in history and take the high road a little, but it didn't happen. At all.  One of the worst things to me was the moderator calling out Trump for comments.  Dude, you are the moderator, you want to be in the debate, run for freaking president. Other than that keep your opinions to yourself.  And then when he presented the half truth that the law Trump was talking about was struck down because it was unconstitutional, Trump had to defend himself to the moderator and explain how the judge was taken off the case and the new mayor of New York dropped trying to defend it.  Trump was right, but it was a waste of time and effort.  Looking back I do feel like Trump got a raw deal, and that is the worst thing the democrats could do is make him look like a victim.  For Hillary she acted like the little school girl that knows all the answers and constantly has her hand in the air.  Except she didn't answer questions.  Holt would ask a question, and then she would give a preplanned response based on something similar but not the actual question.  It is bad when Sampson starts yelling at the screen that she isn't answering the questions.  Yikes.  Then Holt asked Trump about the birther conspiracy.  Just let it go man, no one cares.  Obama is 3 months away from completing 8 years as president, no one can do anything now.  The only two people that know where he was actually born are dead, so let's please let that issue die.  But Trump responds in what is probably the second worst way he could, by accusing Hillary of starting it back in 2008 during the primaries.  Just let it go is all he had to do.  Just play it off as a non issue and that no one was talking about it and then he could have spent about a minute and a half blasting Clinton on Whitewater, her foundation, the e-mails, Benghazi anything, but he screwed that up.  Another thing he screwed up was when they asked about the Iraq invasion.  I really don't care what his position was 14 years ago because he was a private citizen.  If you think it was so bad Lester, why don't you ask Hillary why she voted for it.  And why was it bad anyway?  Look at the timing of it, it was still a year or so since 9/11 and we were still looking for "someone's ass to kick" (to borrow a phrase). The problem wasn't the invasion, it wasn't that Saddam was removed from power, it was that there was no exit plan once the objective was complete.  Then when the leader was gone it was like "hey why don't you guys try democracy, it's like super great.  Ok whelp see ya later.  Oh and don't worry about giving us oil or any repayment for you know setting you free, its totally cool."  Then Obama comes in and yanks the troops out, and leaves a giant power vacuum forming ISIS... If someone was legitimately in the middle and that debate swayed them, I feel sorry for them.  Unless it swayed them to the third party candidate in which I totally understand.  I hope the next debate asks some tougher questions to Hillary.  She can't be lobbed softballs all the time, she is going to have to deal with some difficult questions and answer them.  We now turn to Vince Foster for his opinion on the debate... oh wait nvrmnd...

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