
Saturday, November 08, 2008

Sophie gets a 'Hair cut'

Today Sophie went to get her hair done because it was really bothering her, so she went to the beauty school since it is a little cheaper. Well I wanted her to have a relaxing time so I took care of the kids (not babysitting). She got there and the first time, yeah the FIRST time they tried to color her hair they foiled her hair or should I say her scalp because it turned her scalp white. Then they blow dried it and said it was OK. The teacher came to check it out and said, foil it again - this time with brown. So they did the brown and the result was gray hair. I'm not what you would call an expert on women, but I am pretty sure that gray was not the desired hair color for the 30-ish mother of two. So then they had to put a 'balance' on it to balance the gray. Then they put a toner on it, and then another. Then she got her hair dried again, only to notice a patch of Green, that is right GREEN hair. It total it was 6 washings, 2 blow dries, 5 color treatments all for the bargain price of $30, in just a shade under 4 hours. Sophie said it is funny to read, but not funny to sit in the chair, as her blood began to boil.

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