
Monday, November 03, 2008

Election '08

Well this is it. I haven't really kept too close tabs on the election because who can you trust? No not the politicians, the media. Everybody is trying to spin stuff one way or another and you get to the point where you really don't care anymore sadly and you just want it to be over. I don't know if McCain can win, but the liberal news media has really held back any inflammatory stories on Obama and I get the feeling that unless people have really tried to look deep they don't really know who he is. Same can be said for McCain though. I just can't in good conscience vote for someone as liberal as Obama, someone who has said they would cut the military and if people wanted to build coal fired power plants he would bankrupt them, plus the people in PA cling to their guns and religion. No I just can do it. And also I can't vote for issue 6. Casinos in Ohio. I don't think we need that, plus it isn't real revenue anyway because the casinos don't make anything. All they do is take money, and as long as you go in with the attitude that you are paying for entertainment it could be OK. But too many people think they will beat the house and end up losing more than they can afford. I feel bad for those people, I used to work with a guy that would spend just about everything he made on the slots at the Island. He had done it for so long and anytime he won he just looked at the amount he won not how much he actually had to pay to get it. Also they gave him 'free' buffets. Casinos are fine for entertainment, but making them the staple of the economic landscape is just bad business. My opinion anyway.

Also in the local elections I won't vote for anyone named Wilson, never will. Other than that I think most of the local elections were decided in the primary, as virtually everyone who runs in this area runs as a democrat, so the primaries are pretty hotly contested and then that is it. Oh well, good luck tomorrow.

Oh also check this out. Sorry BHO...



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