
Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Presidential race ' 08 - Update

The democratic primary is still going on and it is getting really testy. I was going to post this 3 weeks ago, but what is sad is that the subject matter is still relevant. The Pa primary is tomorrow and the candidates are a slinging mud like there is no tomorrow, and well there sort of isn't you know if you don't count the general election. I think that when historians look back at this election year and the Democrats end up losing they will attribute it to several factors. Number one is the decision by the states Michigan and Florida to move up their primary dates to make them more relevant and the decision by DNC chairman, oh crap the yelling guy from 2004 what's his name oh yeah Dean. Howard Dean decided to not let Michigan or Florida's votes count at all since the moved their primaries up. Big mistake. He would have been well advised to do what the Republicans did and count only half of the delegates. That way everyone counts the first time and there is no talk of any costly revotes or discussion of how to count votes in a state where Obama wasn't even on the ticket (Michigan), but since you are splitting the delegates according to the popular vote just seat 50/50. The second factor is going to be the Republicans and talk radio. Rush Limbaugh, love him or hate him, has started operation "Chaosis" for later voting states. Basically states that have open primaries are being targeted by Rush to vote for Hillary since she is behind, and it is working. She carried Texas and Ohio two big open primary states, and in some of the other states where the primary is not open Republicans are crossing over and voting democrat. The third is the fact that the democratic candidates have given into dirty tactics to try and win the nomination and are essentially doing the job for the Republicans for the general election. The funny thing is they are still pimping themselves as uniters of the people they are going to bridge the divide, but supporters of the respective candidates have said they won't vote for the other candidate if the one they are supporting doesn't win the nomination because the primaries have gotten so nasty. Oh well I really got do some fantasy stuff now, hey I know they should have the presidential race into a fantasy game, you select a President and a V.P. and you get points according to how many votes they get.

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