
Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Day 3 at DCS Camp

Dear Sophie and Kids,

Today was a little harder. I didn't realize how physical it would be here. I was a little sore this morning when I woke up, I guess the bed here isn't quite as comfortable as the one at home. Then they filled up a puddle full of water and made us do push-ups with our faces over the water while reciting different methods for making tags. Then at lunch I thought I would try something different because the food has been OK, but they put a bunch of olive oil and stuff on the sandwich and I didn't really like it. So I gave have of it to one of the people back at the training "complex". That is what they make us call it here now the "complex". Well that is about all I have time for Ming and one of the "S" guys are going to take me out for dinner, I hope they bring me back. What with all the murders here in Philly over the past weekend. I'm sure I'll be fine and hopefully I'll be able to pick you and the kids up something today. Also I got gas for my car, I finally found a filling station, so I should have enough gas to get home.



P.S. Can't wait to come home.

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