
Monday, November 26, 2007

More Global Warming (Hype)

Please check out the following article and my presented solution.

early climate change victim: andes water

Ok I'm going to go ahead and solve this little problem and this will be North America's contribution to this epidemic. First you say that they are depending on the glaciers for 1/3 of their water or roughly 33%. Yet, they are letting 40% out of the system through leaks and thieves. So the solution is to fix the piping and stop all the leaks and shoot anyone caught stealing from the system. Just maim 'em a little bit and the rest will get the hint that they are not supposed to steal. There you go problem solved, your welcome Bolivia now stop trying to get the world to pay for your problems by crying 'global warming'. I think it is quite clear that Bolivia's problems extend well beyond global warming. It is like Ron White said 'You can't fix stupid.'

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