
Sunday, November 25, 2007

Browns Win, Browns Win!

We did every thing right today. No not the Browns, me and the kids. We all had our Jerseys on and Sophie was not wearing any orange. You see that is why they lost to the Steelers, Sophie was wearing orange that Sunday. I didn't realize it until it was too late, but the way they jumped on them and took an early lead I couldn't make her take it off. My mistake. You see you can't take clothes off in the middle of a game, that is rule #1, actually rule number one is that Sophie doesn't wear orange, but like I said she knows better now.

A side note: It is funny that 'Steelers' comes up in spell check but Browns doesn't. I guess blogger just doesn't like the Steelers. Well I can't blame 'em.

Another side note: Even though the Patriots are losing right now I don't think that Tom Brady will break Manning's record for TD passes. Not because they'll have a change of heart, but because the way they are treating teams someone will hurt Brady. Just beating a team badly to beat them badly. When they play a team that has absolutely no shot to make the playoffs, watch out. Because after about the 1st quarter when the game will start to get out of hand, that team will start to look at the Patriots and think 'Why are we just taking this' and then they will go out and try and hurt Brady. And the way that the Patriot's have turned their back on good sportsmanship and the rest of the league, the league will turns its back on the Patriots.

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