Monday, November 26, 2007
Sporting News misses AGAIN
Monday Night Football
Barack "the toker" Obama
Barack Obama recently said that he had experimented with marijuana in his youth and that in fact he DID inhale as that was the whole point. See kids you can smoke and have a good time AND still run for president. Good job Barack.o0O (smoke rings)
Just for clarification, I have never smoked it or experimented with it.
My Pet Peeves
1) People that don't use blinkers (wreck causers). It isn't hard, it is RIGHT THERE BY THE STEERING WHEEL, JUST TOUCH IT PLEASE!!!!
2) People that stay way back from the car in front when they are coming up to a stop sign. Quick rule of thumb, if there is someone behind you get close to the car in front of you. If there are a lot of cars behind you, strung out on the highway, then get VERY close. DO NOT STAY 8 CAR LENGTHS BACK WHEN YOU ARE GOING 1 MPH.
3) One uppers. You know if you've been to the moon they've been there twice. I always try to go lower if they start bragging about something, like I know a guy who bought a car and fixed up and sold it for like $30,000. Wow I know a guy who bought a car, kind of fixed and then resold for about 6 grand, your story was waaaay better.
4) dumb people - see blog on Bolivia.
Well that'll do for now.
Christmas Season
More Global Warming (Hype)
early climate change victim: andes water
Ok I'm going to go ahead and solve this little problem and this will be North America's contribution to this epidemic. First you say that they are depending on the glaciers for 1/3 of their water or roughly 33%. Yet, they are letting 40% out of the system through leaks and thieves. So the solution is to fix the piping and stop all the leaks and shoot anyone caught stealing from the system. Just maim 'em a little bit and the rest will get the hint that they are not supposed to steal. There you go problem solved, your welcome Bolivia now stop trying to get the world to pay for your problems by crying 'global warming'. I think it is quite clear that Bolivia's problems extend well beyond global warming. It is like Ron White said 'You can't fix stupid.'
Sunday, November 25, 2007
Browns Win, Browns Win!
A side note: It is funny that 'Steelers' comes up in spell check but Browns doesn't. I guess blogger just doesn't like the Steelers. Well I can't blame 'em.
Another side note: Even though the Patriots are losing right now I don't think that Tom Brady will break Manning's record for TD passes. Not because they'll have a change of heart, but because the way they are treating teams someone will hurt Brady. Just beating a team badly to beat them badly. When they play a team that has absolutely no shot to make the playoffs, watch out. Because after about the 1st quarter when the game will start to get out of hand, that team will start to look at the Patriots and think 'Why are we just taking this' and then they will go out and try and hurt Brady. And the way that the Patriot's have turned their back on good sportsmanship and the rest of the league, the league will turns its back on the Patriots.
The Soothe Sayer's Sad Future Outlook
A side note: If you want to make a Steeler fan mad, just tell them that the accident that Big Ben was in last year was a set-up so that he could have a nose job. I can't take credit for that though, that is all Sophie. She said after he was in that accident his nose looks a lot better. And really if you think about it, a marketable player needs to look good if he is really going to cash in, but a football player can't get a nose job. No he was in a motorcycle accident and he was hit by a car and didn't have a helmet on and ... Hey wasn't Kellen Winslow in a motorcycle accident, by himself. He didn't even get hit by a car and he was out the whole season getting multiple reconstructive surgeries on his knees. But not Big Ben, he is out a couple of weeks and then he looks fantastic. Except that he had to go back into the hospital a couple of weeks later for a tummy tuck, er I mean an appendicitis. Maybe he really did have an appendectomy, think of it as karma for his earlier 'accident', think about it.
Giving Blood
Talk with my sis
Saturday, November 24, 2007
Playoffs in College Football
A side note: the BCS was created to bring the big ten and pac-10 into a unified championship game should one of the conferences have a top 2 team and in turn the Rose bowl would host the championship once every 4 years. Probably a lot of people hated the idea when it first came out, but the BCS did its job, it got all of the people that were enamored with the Rose Bowl to give up coveting the match up of the PAC-10 and the big ten (not much of a Match up really). After the BCS completes its third 4 year term it should be voted out in favor of what I proposed above. Don't worry about the playoffs, eventually everyone will forget why they hated the idea in the first place anyway.
McFadden for Heisman
Thursday, November 22, 2007
The 100th Blog - A Heroic Milestone
The basic idea is once you prime the top cup and start the water flowing into the bottom jug, the water will fill it up forcing the air out and into the second jug, once the pressure in the second jug overcomes the head pressure in the pipe running back to the top cup, voila the water will flow, at least until the middle jug runs out of water. If there was just some way to transfer the water back from the bottom jug to the middle jug and the air back to the bottom then you could have perpetual motion. Well maybe I'll work on that for the 200th blog entry.
Enjoy and Happy Thanksgiving.
Tuesday, November 20, 2007
Ranking the Energy Drinks
#1 - Full Throttle
#2 - Full Throttle Unleaded - Kind of like the original a little less kick.
#3 - Monster Energy Khoas
#4 - Monster Energy
#5 - Full Throttle Blue Demon
#6 - NOS - tastes pretty decent, but doesn't really deliver a pick me up
#7 - Monster Energy Low Carb
#8 - Rock star Energy drink
#9 - Amp from mountain dew <- nothing like mountain dew.
#10 - Full Throttle Fury - Orangish garbage
#11 - Full Throttle Mother - Fruit drink, leaves a real funny after taste. Unranked - Full throttle blue berry or whatever it is (Rank #5 - 1/19/2008). - Red Bull - the original energy drink, but hardly worth $2 for half as much. - the Sobe drinks - I had one once, once. This is a list of all that I have had ever, I think you just have to go a long way to beat the full throttle. Amp was absolutely terrible, sorry Jr. fans, even if it will be his sponsor next year. Which is kind of ironic because my beverage of preference is Diet Dew, but that Amp just tastes nothing like mountain dew. Alright well this is the 99th post of my blog and I'm going to go have a full throttle and hopefully do something special for the old number 100. While your waiting go ahead and click on an add. Thank you for your support.
The F**T Locker
On a side note we got Peach a puppy while we were out. It is a little white poodle, with a pink leash and C batteries. What you though we got her a real dog, sorry I like dogs too much to subject one to the abuse of a 2 year old girl. She does really like it, plus she through a major fit when we put it back. Sophie said I was a big sucker but sometimes I like to buy stuff for the kids especially when I feel like I didn't see them for about 3 weeks. Her face really lit up when she got that puppy, maybe someday we'll get a real dog.
Sunday, November 18, 2007
The flying spaghetti monster
That was how it should have been handled, but somehow the spaghetti monster legend has reached a cult following (pun intended). Is it a good argument of why creation shouldn't be taught in a science classroom? No. If you are even a little religious, you have to subject yourself to all kinds of ideas that your religion isn't right or the idea that there isn't a God, so isn't it fair that science be subjected to the same type of examination. Being a scientist myself I think it makes it easier to understand math and chemistry and physics because everything has its place in the grand scheme of things and these disciplines make it possible for human beings to understand how things in our world work. After 10,000 or so years of conscious and collective thought only now are we realizing and explaining how things fit together and work. But any scientist that brings a theory forward has to be able to explain it and in my mind before it can be accepted it has to be proven beyond any reasonable doubt and then it should be widely accepted. However, the big bang theory has never been proven beyond a shadow of doubt, and even though evolution makes a ton of sense, it still doesn't answer all the questions. Let's assume for a second that creation is right. From a scientific perspective is in unreasonable to assume that when the Earth was formed that it was such an anomalous event that carbon dating or using some other type of half-life dating method would be inaccurate because of the extreme circumstances that surrounded the formation of the material. The other argument would be that, "Hey, God had to make the Earth out of something didn't he." I mean maybe all he had laying around where rocks that were 4 billion years old. How old do you think God is anyway? Man I should be a science teacher. Anyway, back to my original point I do not believe in the flying spaghetti monster, but I do believe that the big bang theory should be challenged because it is not widely accepted and when these young scientist go out into the world and start putting forth theories of how things work they need to be able to defend their work. Also they need to be able to challenge the work of their peers in an intellectual manner, especially if the other work is flawed. If kids are only taught one thing, and aren't taught to challenge ideas then they will not be good scientist and that is really the goal of the classroom turning out good thinking scientist. But I will make one more point. If science is right and there is no God, then when we die we are dead and that is the end. If creation is right, then there are going to be a lot of scientist in Hell.
The Soothe Sayer
Wednesday, November 14, 2007
Coming Soon
Hold my beer and watch this!
J.K. Rowlings' Announcement
Sophie Wins - Again
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
Ohio just got stopped on 4th down. So no triple digits tonight.
Sophie's trip to the store
At about 8:30 this morning the foreman left for his mother's surgery, so I filled in, at which point we started making non-standard and had to go to the road. So I had to get the relief to the road and had to watch oil trucks until somebody else could go down. Meanwhile, we made changes to get the grade out of the road and right when it was good we plug the pulverisor and had to shut down. Then we lit off the reject pulseair collector and had to re-bag it. And I mixed up a new tank of potassium for unit 4. Also found two things that needed re-ranged on the DCS and did the daily production. Still wouldn't have traded Sophie for her day.
Thursday, November 01, 2007
So many blogs so little time
One note for anyone installing a Siemens APACS system or the new PCS 7 system with IEM's, make sure you test points on both systems in a redundant system. This will make sure that similar modules are going to similar marshalling strips. Otherwise if the cables aren't going to the right spot and the system switches you could have a catastrophic failure. We didn't, but you could.
Got a give a shout out to God, for giving me strength and helping to keep everything going well. I just pray that the last couple of days go well, because this whole time everything we do takes an extra 20 to 30 minutes, even on loops that are checking out.
Oh well, that will do for tonight. 3 more days. 3 more days.
Rain sensing wipers
Rules to Check-out by
1) People who are going to write a check to pay for their groceries never start writing the check until after the cashier tells them the total. It's like 'hello, you know you aren't whipping out a $50 bill and paying with cash, start writing the check when all of the stuff is out of the buggy. It isn't like they are going to tell you the total and you are going to say you changed your mind.' Ohh that is too high I'm not going to buy that, I am sooooo glad I didn't waste a check here.
1b) or use the check writing machine, just sign your name and they scan it through, simple.
2) What ever lane I get in will be the longest possible wait. It never fails, there will be a lane with 8 more people in it and the person that walked up after me will get checked out before me.
1c) use the U-scan and take all the time you want to check out and write a check.
3) The faster you want to go the longer it will take. Guaranteed.
After these realizations I have developed a few rules to follow to help speed up the old check out process.
Rule #1) Avoid the older cashiers. Unless you want to set there and think 'I could grab their hand, wrap it around my stuff, and swipe it before they could.' Also they will want to talk to you and discuss everything your buying, 'Getting a box of wine huh, that should be fun. I remember the time I bought a box of wine once ....'
#1b) Always go to a cashier that is younger than you. Look for the youngest most well groomed male. If he has gel in his hair, you are going to get out of there quick. If there aren't any guys it can be hit or miss with young girls. Don't go too young though, you don't want somebody handling your Karo syrup going 'What's this for?'. Mid 20's to early 30's for women, after that it is a needle in a hay stack.
#2) Avoid the line with the mom and kids. She has coupons, and she will always catch something that didn't scan right or at least she will argue for a few minutes before conceding that the sale on bananas doesn't start until tomorrow and now she doesn't want them. I know this from shopping with Sophie.
#3) Get in the line with the most single guys. These guys use cash or credit cards, have one or two things, and never want to talk. They got way too much going on to spend too much time in a store.
#4) Don't get in line behind me. Refer to realization 2.
Hope this helps speed up your next shopping trip or at least you can laugh about it when you are in line and you think 'man, I should have paid closer attention to what was on that blog.'