
Tuesday, February 04, 2025

Timeline with my Mom

Just wanted to get some dates and put some things together for the last few years with mom.  Some times I have trouble remembering exactly when things were going on, so I'll try and recap.

It started when mom had her first hip dislocation. January 15 2020.

She stayed with us until she went in the hospital for breathing issues. January 31st 2020.

Now if you follow the timeline of 2020 it is possible this is one of the early cases of Covid, but it was never diagnosed that way.  She was treated for pneumonia. She was released Feb 2nd and stayed with me again until Feb 5th, a Wednesday, and she went home to stay with Cindy.  This is the area of the stupid hip brace as well.

She dislocated the hip again on Feb 14th.

She made it back home, and dislocated the hip again on Saturday the 22nd of February.  This was a bad one, because I saw it first hand.  She had her coat on and was ready to leave and the hip just gave out, and she fell straight back wards into her wooden lighthouse.  Procedure one more time, but now she had to get a surgery to put the hip back in place for good.

First trip to Morgantown, February 27th for a consult.

Pre surgery trip to Morgantown March 10th.

May 14th, Dropped for surgery 

May 18th, went to pick up and they didn't release her.  I vaguely remember this.

Wed May 20th, Went to Morgantown after work to pick up Mom. This was a long day. One of many.

Tues. Jun 2nd, Trip to Morgantown.  Think this was a follow up.

June 8th, the maddest I ever was.  Mom went to Reynold because the girl in therapy had hurt leg and mom refused to walk.  No noticeable pain.  Had to have the squad take her because she couldn't make it down the steps.  She was at Reynold for 2 hours and they had me pick her up.  She couldn't walk still and I had no way to get her in the house.  We can home, grabbed some things and I drove straight to Morgantown.  We got there at 2:52 AM (from google maps). I stayed there another 2 hours until she could get admitted there. 

At some point between then and June 14th Mom was moved to Country Club in Bellaire.

She did rehab there until Sat August 8th.  Then she went home.  Rehab was during the height of Covid too, so there were no face-to-face visits, we could only see her through the window.  She seemed to manage ok, she still had her phone then too.

I stayed with her that first week, and I installed cameras at the house too to keep an eye on her.  The 11th we went back to Morgantown for another follow-up visit.  Every time we would go we would hit up the Chik-fil-a too.  After that first week, Mom was on her own again. Cindy came to stay again for a week or two later in the year, but she was having food delivered and I would try and stop and set up her medicine for the week.

She did good until July 18th 2021 and she fell and broke the other hip.  She had surgery in Wheeling that Monday.  The other hip surgery she had to jump through hoops to get, but not this one.  Right in and they did rods, not a replacement.  

By the 25th she was at Emerald Point in Barnesville for rehab.  She said she heard that place was nice.  She didn't like it, but she was stuck at that point.  

I think she stayed until Wed Sep 8th, according to maps.  When she came home, she had to use a walker and home health would come in.  I announced football that Friday, was out to see her first though.

Cindy came to stay with her again, but now safety was a concern with her being on her own.  Cindy took her to the doctor to try and convince her to go into independent living in Bellaire.  She had agreed and we were going to move in late October.

Tuesday October 19th. Mom can't do anything easy.  She has an episode of some sort, she basically goes the whole day without eating or drinking and is in a really dazed state.  They take her by squad to Barnesville.

She is in the hospital until, I think Wed Oct 27th, 2021 and she makes her way to Country Club in Bellaire in the nursing side to start.

She leaves every now and then for doctors, goes to the ER twice and passes away Jan 31, 2025. 2 months after she arrived, in January they move her to the Assisted living side, room 55.  She stays there until right before her birthday in 2024 and she is moved to the nursing side. 2 months later she is moved to a single room, 2 days later a different room, and 2 weeks later she is gone.

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