
Monday, September 26, 2016

The Presidential Debate of Aught '16

Ugh ugh cough cough... sorry had to knock the dust off the old blog.  I think this may be the new record, but I'll address that later.  I just wanted to get some thoughts down before the big show down tonight.  No not Falcons vs. Saints, I'm talking about the big debate.  It will be historic as the first woman nominated by a major political party will take place in a presidential debate, so hey its got that right?  But it will also be the first time in about 20 years that a non-politician will get to take the stage in a presidential debate, Ross Perot anyone?  Any how, I was just thinking that since this election is so tight already that I really think tonight will be the deciding factor.  Both of the VP's are pretty noncontroversial (yeah check that word out), but the two candidates themselves couldn't be more polarizing.  I really think tonight will be the one chance that the candidates have to make an impact.  I know there are two more debates, but in this short attention span climate, that first impression goes alongggggg way.  I think Trump can win the election tonight, if he can stay on topic and not go off the rails screaming or making a point of some controversial topic or directly insult Hillary's womanhood.  If he can stay in his lane and be "presidential" (basically not pissing everyone off, like normal) he will make a winning impression.  On the other hand, if Hillary can come off as genuine and honest (good luck) and boil her policies down to understandable, quotable, relatable really not sure where I was going with that, but if she can argue policies and not hyperbole I think she can make the stronger impression. 

Personally I think we really missed the boat with Romney four years ago.  This is at best a train wreck / dumpster fire of an election.  Between the two candidates they have been elected to a major government body, exactly once.  And that was the senate, not even a governor here.  Has anyone seen Tom Tancredo?  I seriously think he was lost in one of those corn field in Iowa back in '08.  Anyway, good for the candidates to make it this far, but unless someone can just blow me away tonight (Clinton reference, #amiright?)  I really feel like we are in trouble.  I really hope someone comes out sounding presidential.  Just to be clear as of right now, I really don't view Hillary as a leader, but I don't know that Trump will have enough support from either party to accomplish anything.  Which hey, maybe that isn't a bad thing.  Well see you on the other side of history.

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