
Saturday, February 28, 2009

Sampson gets the MOST cookies!!

Well cookie stickers anyway. Hey, this is a big deal as it is the first time it has happened. You see in Sampson's class you get stickers for doing homework and getting good marks on your work in class and whoever gets the most stickers get to pick a prize. I also gave him 5 bucks to pick something out when we went to WALMART and he got the Daredevil DVD. I figured this was a good opportunity to kind of positively reinforce the idea of doing well in school and how rewarding it can be if you do your best. Sophie says I'll have to do the same thing for Peach when she gets in school, but old Dad is tough. I don't pay for C's, she's gonna have to do pretty good if she wants anything from me. Nope, Dad is not soft, not at all . . . well we'll see I guess, but if you see Sampson feel free to congratulate him on doing so well.

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