
Monday, December 01, 2008

Live sporting events over the Break

Sampson did so well at school during the first 9 weeks that he got a free ticket to the Nailers game on Wednesday, Dad's ticket however was not free. It was a good time though, and I think he would tell you his favorite part was the mascots. In between periods they would come out and throw t-shirts and Frisbees into the crowd and he would yell and scream to try and get their attention, but we didn't get one. I liked the atmosphere as live hockey is completely different from hockey on T.V. When you are watching you can look at whatever you want to see all the line changes and you can just get a much better feel for the game. I don't know that I could ever get into hockey, but I would like to sit next to the glass one time and bang on it when the opposing teams comes through, I think that would be fun. Maybe when they have a $5 night or something I will get the family over there.

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