
Thursday, February 07, 2008

Not so Super Tuesday

Well "Super Tuesday" has come and gone, without really settling much. Except now the only real conservative candidate has dropped out even though he was still second in the delegate count. The real question that comes out of super tuesday is, "What the hell is wrong with West Virginia?" Sorry for the language, but seriously, only 1,100 people voted!! 567 for Huck and 521 for Romney and McCain got 12 votes. Huck ended up with all 18 delegates from the state, but what the heck happened. I think the primary system really needs revised in this country. It is up to local government to fund to equipment and different things concerning elections yet there are only two parties and sometimes the parties don't want to have their primaries on the same day, how stupid. It should be up to the states and there should be one day for both parties and that is it. I know that WV is mostly Democratic but, out of 2 million people you're telling me only 1,100 wanted to vote in the republican primary. Come on. And the sad thing is in all of the coverage on Tuesday and even up 'til today no one has mentioned it. It just seems very odd to me that something like that could even happen. Very Odd. Conspiracy odd, if you know what I mean. I think there was some type of electronic voting or caucasing over the internet or something and some people didn't realize it was voting day because both of the parties weren't voting. What they need to do is have one day and forget about this winner-take-all B.S. I mean when you have three real candidates it isn't fair to give all the delegates to one person when they don't win a clear majority of the votes. If they get more than 50% then fine, give the all the delegates. But when someone gets only 38% he doesn't deserve all of the delegates because 62% of the people voted against him!!! That is why McCain is going to get beat. He may get more delegates than anyone else, but he doesn't even have the majority of the support of his own party. And all of the pimping the media is doing for him will go away in the fall. It's funny, I was listening to the radio and they said "does John McCain really think the New York Times and these other news papers are going to support him in the fall?" And you know what it will be true. For me this race is still going to come down to the V.P. candidates. If McCain comes back with a real conservative V.P. that can mobilize the base of the republican party he may have a chance to win the general election. And if the Democrats go for a mirror image of the presidential candidate (Somebody real far left) they can lose. Right now, though, even if the democrats are running neck and neck they are still ahead of the republicans, which is unfortnate, because it will mean higher taxes for everyone who already pays taxes, and possibly even higher taxes if they pass some form of health care coverage.

Oh, I guess I was wrong about Tuesday being Huck's last stand. It turned out to be Mitt's last stand, but either way after Tuesday the race couldn't support two "conservative" candidates. I am still going to write-in Romney when the primary comes to Ohio.

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