
Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Miles Levin

(this is my response #7893 on Levinstory on carepages. This is posted 2 days after cancer victim Miles Levin finally ended his struggle with Rhabdomyosarcoma cancer.)

Dear Miles and family,
Thank you for sharing your journey with us. You did not really know where it would end 26 short months ago. Actually all of our ends are the same, it is the journeys that make us unique, and your journey came to end much to quickly. Two days ago I had no idea who you were, but tonight I finished reading every word you so gracefully and kindly shared with the rest of the world. Thank you for sharing your wonderful gift of the written word, I wonder if it was only the gift or more the purpose that seemed to give your words and thoughts such meaning. The roller coaster that was the last two years for you and your family was truly inspiring to read. I want to be a better person for my family and for my children. The letter from your father was especially touching, because I have shared moments like that in the morning with my 5 year old. I had to stop reading there last night because of the emotion that overcame me. That level that your family shared, that was open for us all to see was ... there are no words to describe the impact. We ask 'why' but G-d uses us for His glory not for ours. I will remember your story and share it with my children when they are ready. I compare it to 'Tuesdays with Maurie', but he had lived, and seen many things and gave us a glimpse into his struggle, but your courage for someone so young really is incredible. To your mother I would say continue this blog, after all it is Levinstory, not milesstory. I think he knew that all along. 80% of mother's with children, who have this horrible cancer, will come to the same place you are and they will need to know day to day how to deal with their grieving. My gift (as Miles asked what we were good at) is seeing what others are good at doing. You are stronger than most, the strength you prayed for shows, I will continue to pray for you and your family. Though Miles journey is complete here, yours are not, it is important for you to continue onward as people look to his story for strength they will want to see it most in the people who were closest to him. May G-d bless you in the rest of your days.
Thank you,
Cecil Smith

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