Sunday, October 26, 2008
Sampson Wins at FF
Sampson's team won the Flag Football Championship today. The game was postponed from yesterday, but the Purple Riders were able to handle the Steelers. I'm not sure what the final score was exactly, but Sampson has definitely progressed nicely during the season. He was blocking people to the ground and shedding blocks quite nicely. Overall it was one of those good sports weekends: Sampson Won, the Browns Won, and the Steelers Lost, and OSU Lost. It may be the only weekend like that all fall, but it sure was nice to see. You know at least for me. Tony didn't win the race though, I didn't even really follow it to be honest. I flipped to it for a little bit saw that he was down a lap and then didn't pay much attention until the end. I did get to see Jimmy make his way up to second thanks to a caution with, guess how many laps, yep 10 laps to go. How predictable. The only way there wouldn't have been a caution is if Jimmy was up front. One other complaint about HESCAR (oh yeah carl Edwards won), they need to come up with a plan to get qualifying in. Even if they do it on Saturday morning, this constant getting "rained out" is bad for competition. I don't even care that much about the starting position, but at least have a draw for pit boxes. It really isn't fair to have Jimmy get the best spot every week when he doesn't get a chance to earn it. Just let the top 12 draw the top 12 spots and then let the rest of the guys pick. That way the guys other than the H and the E will have a chance to win a race.
Saturday, October 25, 2008
The New Crisis
Well the old world is in a little bit of a financial crisis. The Dow Jones continues to fall and oil and gold prices are crashing too. But as one of the guys at work said it isn't a time to cry it's a time to buy, well hold off until the market finally bottoms out. If you have any money left that is. So is the threat really as bad as it seems? Unfortunately whether it is or not the end will be a self fulfilling prophecy, I fear. The 'bailout' hasn't seemed to help anything, yet, and I don't know if it really will or not. The whole situation is a little depressing and you just have to hope that at some level people continue to purchase things rather than just hold on to their money, because if people quit spending all together then we are going to get launched into a major recession. I think the whole thing goes back to banks and credit cards. Our society is much different than say Japan. We will buy and buy and buy on credit where the Japanese will only buy stuff if they have the money. I'm sure most people in this country have a net negative worth because of school loans, house loans, car loans. I know I am in that boat, but I at least have a plan to get out of the situation. I guess I am fortunate that Sophie and I share the same mentality when it comes to bills. There are a couple of things that we are willing to carry debt on, but we don't want to be late on bills and we won't charge anything on credit cards that we can't pay off at the end of the month. I learned that last item from my mom who always paid her cards off every month, if you don't, you can end up paying for things multiple times because of the high interest rates. That's all for now have a fantastic weekend.
New Obsession
The new obsession is cyber nations, and it could prove quite long lasting. The only things you 'have' to do on a daily basis is pay bills and collect taxes. But you can also buy infrastructure for your country and what not, and then go into an alliance. There where about 30,000 different little nations and things on there and you have to at least collect taxes once every week or two weeks or they delete your nation. But for the daily requirement of not more than 5 minutes I think I could last at it for a while... at least 2 months. It kind of takes fantasy to a whole new level, because now I can control a whole nation instead of just a team.
If you play come check me out at Helfenland. I am trying to join the Orange Defense Network.
If you play come check me out at Helfenland. I am trying to join the Orange Defense Network.
Friday, October 17, 2008
Sophie goes into Time Out
Sophie inflicted "time out" on herself yesterday. It actually could be a quite effective technique as it keeps the children at bay. "No don't talk to me don't ask me for anything, I'm in time out." Unfortunately I have to wait until the weekend to find out why she had to put her self in "time out", because she said her "punishment" won't be over until then. She said she is also keeping herself on a tight leash and if need be she'll put herself right back into "time out". Sampson was thoroughly confused by these events.
The Mayo Diet
I got my results back for the blood I had taken on Tuesday when I got my shot and it turns out that the old cholesterol was 176. The peanut butter, mayonnaise, and diet Mt. Dew diet is definitely paying dividends. I told you science said mayo was good for you.
Wednesday, October 15, 2008
Flue Shot
This year I got a flue shot because I can never remember if I get sick when I don't get them or if I get sick when I get them. So this year I'm going to remember and if I get sick I'll know. Then I'll know not to get one again.
Tuesday, October 14, 2008
Sampson Passes his First Book
Sampson passed his first reading test today. He read a book about a box, he even it read it to me, although his memory is so good it is hard to tell if he is actually reading or just reciting the words from memory. Tomorrow is 'data folder' night and Sophie and I can't wait to go and see what he has been learning and working on. On a side note check out old Dad's IQ score on the left there... That can't be right, can it?
Sophie Goes Green
Sophie is hitting the recycling pretty hard and I am really proud of her effort. Since she is taking Sampson to school she has been loading up the van every once and a while and dropping off the recycle at the local recycle shed. I am also trying to do some recycling at work. There are some easy things people can do to 'recycle' that you may not have thought of, because recycling isn't just gathering up stuff and dropping it off.
1) Reuse the water bottles. Fill 'em back up with water, lemonade or kool-aid and every time you refill it, that is just like it completing a full cycle in the recycle circle except you avoid all the energy costs.
2) Use the plastic grocery bags as a liner in small garbage cans. Saves a garbage bag.
3) Reuse glass containers for nuts and bolts, or other things maybe even buttons and stuff.
4) Use those old boxes to store your recycle cardboard in. That way your not using an extra garbage bag.
1) Reuse the water bottles. Fill 'em back up with water, lemonade or kool-aid and every time you refill it, that is just like it completing a full cycle in the recycle circle except you avoid all the energy costs.
2) Use the plastic grocery bags as a liner in small garbage cans. Saves a garbage bag.
3) Reuse glass containers for nuts and bolts, or other things maybe even buttons and stuff.
4) Use those old boxes to store your recycle cardboard in. That way your not using an extra garbage bag.
Browns Win The Super Bowl ...
Well sort of. They beat the defending super bowl champs, the NY Giants 35-14 in their return to Monday Night Football. They looked really impressive too, so much so that if you would have had Braylon Edwards and Derek Anderson on your fantasy team they would have scored about 45 points between the two of them.... One of the broadcast members did make a good point (which is odd because normally the MNF crew is terrible) that Crennel and Phil Savage feel obligated to Derek Anderson since his great play last is essentially the reason they are still around Cleveland. So for all those folks who are waiting for Brady Quinn it just ain't gonna happen, unless Anderson's arm falls off or something. But please do enjoy the Subway and EAS commercials.
Monday, October 13, 2008
Getting ready for a little M-N-F
For those of you who are unsure that is Monday Night Football, and the Cleveland Browns make their return versus the Super Bowl Champion NY Giants. Well it should be interesting, I expect the Giants to go up by 2 or 3 TD's and then Brady Quinn will lead the Browns back to within 4 points before finally losing. On the fantasy side of things if J. Lewis runs for like 10 yards I will beat my nephew in Fantasy football by over 50 points. Also if Eli Manning and Brandon Jacobs combine for 60 fantasy points, Hans will pull of the most incredible come back ever, but for that to happen the Browns would have to be competitive and force the Giants to try and score about 50 points. Well I guess that they could score 50 anyway even if the Browns weren't competitive. Fear not though I think the Browns actually could pull the upset with all the time off from the bye week.
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Tony Hosed one more time by HESCAR
HESCAR is really starting to get ridiculous with the blatant penalties against Gibbs and Toyota. This week with less than a quarter of the race to go and the teams going through their final green flag stops, HESCAR penalizes Tony Stewart and Kyle Busch for 'too fast on pit road'. Tony was 'clocked' at 50.83 miles per hour 0.83 miles an hour over the speeding limit buffer. They never said what Kyle was clocked at, but when the race leader is coming in and there is less than 25% of the race left don't come in and impose penalties that are dependant on the equipment given an error less than 1.6%. Human error can account for 5% alone in most instances, but by-golly not in HESCAR. Not with old Jethro there with his stop watch and laptop. No sir. I can't recall this season when Jimmy, Jeff, Carl, or Dale have gotten a speeding penalty, but I know of at least 2 instances where Tony has gotten 'caught' late in the race that could have potentially cost him a win. If Burton or somebody doesn't win this thing I doubt I even care next year.
Flag Football Update
The old Flag Football season has flown by. Sampson has had his first three games already and is adjusting to the game. It is neat to see him learn because obviously he has had no training in the game and really doesn't show an interest in watching. He hasn't done too badly for a first year kid, he is really over shadowed by some of the older kids who have played already and really know what they are doing. He hasn't gotten a flag yet or carried the ball in a game. When he has carried the ball in practice he has gone in the wrong direction, thus the need for him to play on the line. He is definitely going to have to work to get better, but he is on a team with really good coaches and they have really worked with the kids to get them better in their first three games. We ran around in the back Saturday and he had to 'touch' me down and he made me force a fumble or else he scored a touch down. We also played around with the heavy bag and a trash can where he had to push the trash can out of the way and rip the 'flags' off the heavy bag. Anyway we are down to playoff time, and we got the first round on Saturday and then the following Saturday is the Championship. I'll post some pics when I get a chance.
Fantasy Triple Threat
Stevie has asked me to join in his fantasy basketball league, so Saturday I made my team, the 'Ankle Breakers'. You can take that several different ways. This will kind of be like a tie-break since Stevie won baseball and then I thoroughly dismantled his efforts in football. I don't know how I feel about the basketball season though. I don't really follow it and I'm not sure how the stats will shake out. Either way it should be an interesting fill-in until baseball season starts again. Man, I can't wait...
An interesting connection
I could honestly careless about the presidential election at this point as my cynicism is in full bloom along with the autumn leave color change. How do we pick between two people who can't accurately tell who the leader of the largest country in the world is? Anyway I have been doing some searching on the Internet and there is a very interesting 'conspiracy theory' that the Bill Ayers that everyone is trying to link Obama to, actually wrote or ghost wrote part of Obama's first book. At the minimum it is a very interest idea, at the max it could be a very interesting look at some of the truths Obama has tried so hard to hide during this campaign. Check out the article if you dare...
Click here to read the Article
Click here to read the Article
Friday, October 10, 2008
Blog names new official mustard
This weekend Sophie and I bought the best mustard in the world. We have been getting a jar of the "Up the Creek" brand mustard every year at the local Oktoberfest, but this year we are going through it like crazy. Mustard on sandwiches, in potato salad, used as like a dip, even at breakfast. Ok maybe not that last one, but man is it good stuff. Even the kids like it. Fortunately the guy who was selling it said we could pick some up at Heavenly Ham or order it online. I would highly recommend the pepper mustard, not the hot hot, just the regular hot, and if you don't like it you can send it to me as it is the new official mustard of the blog.
Thursday, October 09, 2008
Wreckers suffer first defeat
The Dream Wreckers suffered their first defeat this week at the hands of the evil Buck U. team. I am now in second, but have the most points. I'll probably lose a couple of more along the way because of the bye and what not, but it is all good as long as I beat Stevie. And everybody at work...
Tony Wins!!! @ Dega
Well all you Tony fans enjoy this one. It snapped like a 43 race winless streak and was his first win at Talladega in 20 starts. Congrats Tony, (it maybe the last time you win with Gibbs). I guess the way Tony races he could always have a shot at the restrictor plate tracks, but I really doubt he completes in the other 32 races. The HESCAR season isn't over yet Tony creeps up into seventh spot. After the Season the HESCAR standings will be pushed to the bottom until next season... you know if I still care by then... I wonder if there is a cornhole widget....
New Tunes
Check out the new tunes. If you don't like it there is a little red player located to the left you can pause and pick different songs. The site is you can check 'em out and make your own list. Pretty neat stuff. I'm thinking of maybe having a couple of different lists depending on what mood I'm in.
Survivor Picks - Gabon
It's Matty (Kirk's Pick) VS. Marcus (Sophie's Pick) in the latest version of Survivor. I will let you know how I fare. Just one time I gotta beat Sophie. Last time was kind of a split since we each picked a fan and a favorite. But this time I got her.
Wednesday, October 08, 2008
Presidential Debate '08 - #2
How scary and depressing is it that neither candidate realizes that Dmitri Medvedev is the president of Russia. Putin is now the Prime Minister not the president. They essentially swapped positions in May, but no big deal, I mean Russia isn't really that big anyway... oh wait, yeah it is the largest country IN THE WORLD. That's ok though, I'm sure after one of these guys gets elected Russia will still refer to George Bush as President....
It is also very annoying how these guys side step questions and make one sentence answers into multiple paragraphs. Just once I'd like to see a politician answer a simple question with a simple answer. I know there are no simple questions when it comes to a debate like this, but just one time. You know what, whoever is able to give the shortest answer should be president. Well perhaps that isn't the best method for picking a new commander and chief, but allowing these guys to talk for an hour and a half and show how little they really know can't exactly over impress the rest of the world either. There is an hour and a half you'll never get back.
It is also very annoying how these guys side step questions and make one sentence answers into multiple paragraphs. Just once I'd like to see a politician answer a simple question with a simple answer. I know there are no simple questions when it comes to a debate like this, but just one time. You know what, whoever is able to give the shortest answer should be president. Well perhaps that isn't the best method for picking a new commander and chief, but allowing these guys to talk for an hour and a half and show how little they really know can't exactly over impress the rest of the world either. There is an hour and a half you'll never get back.
Sunday, October 05, 2008
Kimbo gets Sliced
This is the best title out there for what happened Saturday night. The hype machine that is CBS, no not for there unadulterated support for Obama, has over hyped Kimbo slice since he first appeared in prime time after only two fights. He had a lot of hits on his internet fight videos, but anyone who has watched MMA thought that if he got into a real fight with someone who had some experience he would get beat. I just don't know how many people would have thought his 15 minutes of fame would end after only 14 seconds. It was actually more like 12 and it wasn't pretty at all. Kimbo kind of charged in on Seth Petruzelli and got hit with a jab then Seth hit him about 15 more times while Kimbo rolled over and laid on the ground. The ref had no choice but to stop the match. For a little history, he wasn't supposed to fight Seth, he was supposed to fight Ken Shamrock who used to be a great fighter, but is way way passed his prime. Anyway Ken suffered a cut the morning of the fight and couldn't get clearance to fight so CBS and Elite XC scrambled to fill the void. Petruzelli was taken from an under card fight, presumably lt. heavy weight because he was only 205 lbs., and Kimbo wanted some extra money to take the fight. Which I think he got, but after getting destroyed the easy cake ride is likely over. See I like what UFC did when they had a stud heavy weight come on board with Brock Lesnar, they actually made him fight. And after his first two fights he was 1-1, but was a legit threat. Now he is set to face Randy Couture, one of the best heavy weights to ever fight, and he could actually beat him. At least I don't see him losing in 14 seconds. It is MMA though and that could happen. As for CBS this was a huge blow. I think it is actually good for the viewers though because now they know what fighting is all about. Kimbo may have been good enough to beat Shamrock, but now we know where he ranked against mid level fighters in lower weight classes. Although I think it is important to note that Seth's predominant style is Karate, which I believe is hardest for MMA fighters to defend. Normal stand up is either boxing or kick boxing and when the karate guys through those front leg kicks it is a real odd angle that I think they aren't used to defending unless they specifically train for that element. Obviously Kimbo had no training for this opponent and probably should have asked for someone else at least more traditional. If want to see a real Karate master in MMA look at Lyoto Machida he is pretty awesome and also currently undefeated. Kimbo is going to have to work his way back up now and really needs to dig into the training if he wants to amount to anything in MMA. I don't know what this will do for the other event CBS was looking to televise before the end of the year. In all likelihood Slice wouldn't have fought in it, but even if he came back to fight again on Saturday nights he shouldn't be the main event. Seth could have actually cost himself some future paychecks by beating Kimbo so bad. Oops. Don't get me wrong I like Kimbo for his story of coming from a homeless guy to the bright lights of a main event, and from what I understand he loves his children and really enjoys them, but he is going to have to work extremely hard to be where everyone thought he was. Man there sure our a lot of commas in this post, too many if you ask me.
Saturday, October 04, 2008
New Number Stuff
Good news, they found two new Mersenne prime numbers. I know you where waiting on that news. Which makes the largest prime number known (2^43,112,609) − 1. They actually found this one in August and one smaller than it in September. Yeah!
There was some other math stuff I wanted to post, but I forgot what it was. I will post here when I remember.
There was some other math stuff I wanted to post, but I forgot what it was. I will post here when I remember.
Passing the Bailout
After talking with the chairman of my company I understand that the bailout bill needed to pass, so that banks would start to free up the lending. However, this bill went from 3 pages when it was introduced to 110 when the house voted it down Monday to over 400 pages by the time the final bill was passed. What the congress managed to do was add a bunch of pork and "tax breaks" for very specific companies. You know if make arrows in Oregon or Rum in the U.S. Virgin Islands, regular folk stuff. Anyway I see why we needed it to pass, because banks were not going to lend any money until the gov't did something, or decided to let it go. But to me this was clearly not what we needed. What was funny was after the Dow took a huge plunge on Monday when the initial bill was voted down, the next day it recovered. Not all the way, but more than half. The gov't keeps saying that this is better for "main street", but I seriously doubt that. The money that has been approved will go to buy mortgage back securities from troubled banks so the gov't will become the owner of the distressed properties. We won't actually get any money to help keep our house or anything. The only possible good thing that could happen for regular people is that business will be able to secure money and more people can get into the job market, because companies will create more jobs and expand their business. I don't see that happening until at least November though. One last thing if the opposite of pro is con then what is the opposite of progress...
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